Yes to a book. Especially if it has anecdotal / stories as well as the science. You explain things very well.

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see also https://www.soilfoodweb.com/soil-sponge-regeneration-workshop/ with Didi Pershouse

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Alpha - there is at least one other recent paper highlighting the reduction in precip likely due to deforestion: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05690-1

I also know there has also been some recent work in the Amazon that seems to show deforestation has led to less rain and may have contributed to drought conditions in the last few years, but now I can't find that paper. When I do, I will post it. And I believe this effect was predicted years ago.

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Thanks for the paper, I hadnt seen it before. Yes there are a lot of papers modelling the deforestration leading to loss of rainfall. Especially in the Amazon. Antonio Nobre has some papers on that. So does Francina Dominguez.

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You might have an interest in the conversation I'm having with the director of Lakeside Labs today. You are welcome to join us: https://open.substack.com/pub/okobojiwriters/p/could-medical-breakthroughs-be-hiding?r=fkojq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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A great overview of the small water cycle. This is very accessible and so important in understanding how to prevent extreme droughts and floods.

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Thank you Lynn, appreciate that....

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Hi Alpha,

Great work and BIG thanks for your contribution. As to your question about a book. My thinking is that it would be great if you could document some areas of change, including personal stories of the local people and how the changes affect their lives. AND THEN, what happens when positive actions are taken to restore areas that were damaged. The Rain changes and how it affects all of the life. Maybe that's obvious, but I would love a 'heartfelt' story of how rain affects us in myriad ways, coupled with the science of how it happened, before and after. Inspiring other areas to take similar actions.

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Hi Jake, yes a heartfelt story can be great

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Just a typo: its Marajó island, not Majaro

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thanks. Just switched the r and j, although how do you put an accent mark on the o in substack?

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Sorry! I don't know if there is an specific escape sequence to it.

I just typed on my computer. Perhaps some meta-key combination or keyboard mapping.

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¿ Quién fue primero: la gallina o el huevo ?


El problema es llevar humedad donde no hay,

Para tener árboles necesitamos suelo, y para tener suelo, árboles; Para tener árboles y suelo, necesitamos humedad y tiempo.

No tenemos tiempo.

No tenemos humedad.

¿ Torres Catabaticas ?

¿ Ríos Atmosféricos ?

Son dos ideas para aportar humedad al ambiente y sustituir a los árboles donde aún no han crecido y no evapotranspiran todavía.

Estes dos ideas son sistemas que ayudan a cerrar el ciclo del agua cuando no hay vegetación.

¿ Alguien nos echa una mano ?

LinkedIn Jesús Areso y Mikel Areso

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You might have an interest in the conversation I'm having with the director of Lakeside Labs today. You are welcome to join us: https://open.substack.com/pub/okobojiwriters/p/could-medical-breakthroughs-be-hiding?r=fkojq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Great review. This minority viewpoint needs to be the majority viewpoint. How do we get there?

(Are you going to write Manabe?)

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One way I think is to give help some of these climate scientists who research precipitation recycling/small water cycle more airtime and/or who are researching how trees create rain, eg record a youtube video with them, interview them for your podcast, write them up in your blog, post about them on instagram etc...

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