BTW: I wouldn't want the water in the LA River. It's headwaters contain the Santa Susana JPL 1959 Nuclear meltdown soils and radiation. We would need to slow/sink/stop water before it gets into the river.
Factoid: It takes 40 gallons of fresh water to 'push' out one gallon of salt water and our aquifers are connected to the ocean. In Ventura county, the saline concentration has reached inland to Somis (>15 miles) inland.
Surfrider has a great short animation of for the 'cycle of insanity' for water.
Finally had the time to fully listen to your podcast interview of Erica. Excellent.
Thanks for the mention of the Chad Hansen book “Smoke Screen “. I’m going to go looking for it. I’ve read a few of his published papers on forestry disputing USFS on wildfires and logging. He’s looked at a much larger time frame and geographical area than USFS.
Yes, I do! Finding time to read/listen is tricky though. I would likely spend most time soaking up information.
I’m trying to create a guide for homeschool groups to educate through action around water (among other things). Hoping to offer a grounded and complex view of life while also supporting it through action.
Anyway, that’s my filter for all of these ideas right now.
My filter is similar to yours except my audience is (hopefully) adults who don’t understand how essential the decisions they make today are- for future generations of all species.
Matters of Kinship is my way of translating material they might otherwise not take time with- and adding a storytelling element.
Like you, time is tricky. By day I run a movement studio. Talk soon. Katharine
Excellent discussion. Erin is an invaluable resource.
As agricultural land in California was discussed, I was hoping to hear about alternative methods of farming, regenerative Ag, where there is less water loss and the land has much greater ability to infiltrate water during storms.
Interesting thought re moving farming more toward areas with more water, the midwest.
I love how Brad Lancaster presents the 2,000 acres done by the Austins in Arizona: We all need to be 'rock beavers' along our watersheds.
BTW: I wouldn't want the water in the LA River. It's headwaters contain the Santa Susana JPL 1959 Nuclear meltdown soils and radiation. We would need to slow/sink/stop water before it gets into the river.
Factoid: It takes 40 gallons of fresh water to 'push' out one gallon of salt water and our aquifers are connected to the ocean. In Ventura county, the saline concentration has reached inland to Somis (>15 miles) inland.
Surfrider has a great short animation of for the 'cycle of insanity' for water.
The Arizona rock water project is good.... In terms of infiltrating waters, the pollution is of greater and greater concern.....
Finally had the time to fully listen to your podcast interview of Erica. Excellent.
Thanks for the mention of the Chad Hansen book “Smoke Screen “. I’m going to go looking for it. I’ve read a few of his published papers on forestry disputing USFS on wildfires and logging. He’s looked at a much larger time frame and geographical area than USFS.
Heres a video of Chad Hanson speaking , and here is his paper
Alpha, Thank you for the two links. The Hanson article you linked is a different article than the one I’ve read:
“Countering Omitted Evidence of Variable Historical Forests and Fire Regime in Western USA Dry Forests:
The Low-Severity-Fire Model Rejected”
William L. Baker 1,* Chad T. Hanson 2, Mark A. Williams 3 and Dominick A. DellaSala 4
Published 3 April 2023
I learned SO much.
Bowing to you both.
I do want to gather people to discuss Water Always Wins.
Thanks..... Let me know how it goes if you get a group together to discuss the book....
I will!
Interested if it’s online a super flexible! (Currently have a baby and toddler 🙃)
Good idea. I was thinking a local group but online makes sense. Do you have the book? I have the hard copy and just started the audio.
Alpha and Erica are amazing.🌱💧
Yes, I do! Finding time to read/listen is tricky though. I would likely spend most time soaking up information.
I’m trying to create a guide for homeschool groups to educate through action around water (among other things). Hoping to offer a grounded and complex view of life while also supporting it through action.
Anyway, that’s my filter for all of these ideas right now.
Let’s continue on email: 🌱
My filter is similar to yours except my audience is (hopefully) adults who don’t understand how essential the decisions they make today are- for future generations of all species.
Matters of Kinship is my way of translating material they might otherwise not take time with- and adding a storytelling element.
Like you, time is tricky. By day I run a movement studio. Talk soon. Katharine
Ok cool. I emailed you...
Excellent discussion. Erin is an invaluable resource.
As agricultural land in California was discussed, I was hoping to hear about alternative methods of farming, regenerative Ag, where there is less water loss and the land has much greater ability to infiltrate water during storms.
Interesting thought re moving farming more toward areas with more water, the midwest.
Sorry: Erica.