They were real into "flood control" here in the bay area...they concrete in sloughs (creeks). When I came here I asked my mother what that was all about. How in the world do they expect the aquifiers to fill up again, animals and plant life to survive and the moisture and less heat here? Are they nuts? Affirmative...

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Yes the flood control measures are quite problematic. Concrete is not the way to go..... LA has it even worse, most of the LA river is in concrete.

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Geoengineerists spray the hll out of the ocean and that garbage blows into the SF Bay Area and bay! It is like clouds of evil fingers absorbing the evaporation off of the bay-there seemed to be some kind of molecular "draw" to these hovering clouds over the bay. You all may want to check geoengineering it takes up moisure and O2. The nano sized sprays are electrical and FLAMMABLE. Ck out geo engine ering watch. Dan e Wig ing ton chnnl on YT. Dane is an engineer, forester, diver...everything is on that site. Every Saturday he does a radio show; the audio and slide show appears on yt posted every Sat. And yes, urbanizaton does not help-at all. Problem with metro areas ...god forbid we store the water and have mosquitoes...don't worry no water no mosquitoes! SFBA, LA!

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first thing bring the rain back thru climate activatiing and activate waterbodies like the 254 dams in California.

Then Kill the windturbines in californie will be green in one year.

Questions ? info@urswirths.de or energieprodukte.org

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