I contacted Jasmine Minbashian about just this sort of Water Project she was doing in collaboration with the Center for Urban Ecology in Seattle back in the 1990s. I've forgotten the name of the project, but it was very similar. And, yes... we had the prototype for a Bioregional Learning Center there, incorporating [and fiscal agent for[ the Seattle Permaculture Guild, Seattle Greens and Puget Sound Light Rail Society, and other community-based groups. I'm hoping to pull some of my findings from this five-year UW Thesis project in Community Design/Planning together someday. I got "aged out" of the UW Grad-thesis deadline, so the effort never got documented.

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That’s cool to hear about

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Jasmine's current Bio.... she's a wealth of knowledge in this area. https://mvcitizens.org/jasmine-minbashian-joins-the-mvcc-team-as-executive-director/

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Thank you for your inspiration how to get people involved with this topics. WE are building a group called teamwasserretention.de to connect interestred people and practitioners around waterretention in Germany Austria and Europe. Feel free to contact us, Julian

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Good to know

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OK if I republish this on my Substack, with appropriate credit of course?

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Hi yes you can with a link to this article here.

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I have posted it on my FB page. I can, if you want, pass it to other groups' pages who might be interested. Also, it would help future collaboration if we were FB friends or you subscribed to my Substack. (free) All up to you, of course.

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would you be willing anyone from the group to give us a presentation online ?

we are here


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Thanks. This pretty much describes what I do!

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Cool glad to hear it

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I co-wrote and co-edited a book called "Open Collaboration Encyclopedia" which lays out some of these collaborative principles espoused in above article https://www.amazon.com/Open-Collaboration-Encyclopedia-Alpha-Lo/dp/0981831834

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