Thanks Alpha, you made these words meaningful - Evapotranspiration from the land, atmospheric circulations that is the Hadley cell, Pineapple Express.   Thank you for breaking down the research and making it more understandable.  The question .. if we human change land use, will nature be less dramatic.   My opinion is Yes.   We can design with these words in mind.  

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This is exactly waht we should be doing.

And Alpha is bringing it into light.

Lets work locally in human scale dimensions. This will add to next cycle and build up into global scale.

This start with planting a tree and letting it grow for a bigger shade. Or Shifting an asphalt roof for a roof with vegetation.

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Thanks Anna, glad you for the article meaningful

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Again and again Alpha Lo!

Great post that Nails it.

This is the exact issue we are trying to show here in Santiago de Chile.

How do these small cycle affect the bigger cycles. Fractales are a great way to think of this connectedness.

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Awesome as always! Has there been/is there a reliable tracking of the expression of this data over time? I suppose it could be calculated from past satellite data.

It would be really nice to visualize the exponent shifts from many small to increasingly greater massive rainfalls, etc.

Also curious if the total amount of water in the atmosphere stays relatively constant and it’s just the means of distribution which are changing or if this changes too.


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Here is a paper on different cloud exponents in different places : Wood, Robert, and Paul R. Field. "The distribution of cloud horizontal sizes." Journal of Climate 24, no. 18 (2011): 4800-4816 . Go to google scholar to get the doi number, then type that into sci-hub.ru to read the full paper. ... I dont know of anyone who has mapped this visually. Its a good idea... Humidity varies from place to place, but the total water in atmosphere I am not so sure about, I will have to research that. If you would like to look up more about it, search the term global atmospheric water budget.

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Thank you! I’ll check it out

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Wow I didn’t know where the term Pineapple Express had come from. This is great as usual Alpha, thank you!

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Amazing ! All your posts offer another perspective, a new vue of the phenomena. Indeed, improving soil and tree management would surely help regulate water cycles.

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Thats the number one accion that we should be doing.

Better soil more trees!

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Thoroughly enjoyed this article! Makes one think about the impacts of large scale clearcut harvesting and those impacts to our water cycles, in the boreal/ sub boreal where I live.

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Like the Beatles said, "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together." Human body, Earth body, rain and blood, mind and atmosphere. Do we really know where we are? No, but we're getting closer. As Rilke discovered: "Denser and denser the pattern becomes."

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nice poetic words

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